DBTech - DragonByte eCommerce

DBTech - DragonByte eCommerce

No permission to download
Fix: Adding a pricing tier to a new product would show a server error
Complete Change Log

Change: Fixed calculation of q and added t in Shipping Method formulae
Fix: Fix potential server error when checking if shipping method is applicable to any given order
Complete Change Log

Change: "Delete order" buttons now appear on order view / order edit where appropriate
Fix: Fix AdminCP created orders being silently deleted with no user feedback
Fix: Fix potential server error with the "What's new" navigation entry
Complete Change Log
Feature: Edit existing pending orders in the AdminCP
Feature: Order generation in the AdminCP
Feature: Pagination in front-end license list
Feature: Add "Checkout" button to Purchase overlay
Feature: Improved checkout flow to reduce friction when filling out custom checkout fields
Feature: Digital products can now have an optional "title" to be displayed instead of the license length
Feature: Also show sale price / sale banner on product overview
Feature: Ability to delete orders "Awaiting payment" older than a certain threshold
Change: Reassigning a license will now also transfer temporary user group changes, if any
Change: Add custom "Your account" phrase
Change: "Your licenses" links will no longer show if the user does not own any licenses
Change: Replace hasOption with callable
Change: Reduce number of queries ran on the license list
Fix: "Renewal cost from x" tooltip will no longer show for products without license functionality
Fix: Fix server error when attempting to purchase a product already owned via All-Access Pass
Fix: Fix server error when trying to perform inline moderation on products in the front-end
Fix: Fix server error with certain background tasks
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