NICK97 - Recently Used Device XF2. If you wanted to remote logout devices or blocked devices in xenforo 2.x. Now you can with this addon. It’s will include remote logout devices, blocked devices, email notification and current devices banner.
Key Feature(s):
- Remote Logout or Blocked Devices
- Unblock Devices or Blocked Devices
- Email notifications when a new device has login
- Option to require users to use a password when visiting log device page
- User group permission (View own devices list, Signout own devices and Block own devices)
- Option Multiple devices check ignored users NEW!
- Current device now is separated from others devices
- Support for logon to ACP
- Support [NICK97] Better Logout - XF2
- Support advanced cookie consent notice NEW!
- Styles options (Able to change devices icon and button styles) NEW!
- Limit add-on usage by usergroup permission
- Support for Users who have already been logged in are not recorded
- Ability to logout other users devices from ACP
- Usergroup permissions
- Requesting exit from the others devices. and reporting the account to the administrator
- REST API support
- Support Xenforo 2.2 or newer