Advanced Forms can be used for just about any type of form you need!
- Unlimited Form Types*
- Unlimited Forms*
- Unlimited Questions*
- Different Forms for each Form Type
- Different Questions for each Form
- Show Multiple Form Types in sidebar and/or navigation tab
- Control Form Type access by Usergroup, User Criteria
- Control Form access by Usergroup, User Criteria
- Notification of an form being submitted via Forum Thread and/or Email and/or Private Message
- Instantly promote a user when they submit an form
- Include a yes/no poll in a thread and automatically promote the user based on the poll results
- Include a normal poll with no promotion options in a thread
- Open a form when starting a new thread
- Specify different forums for reports for each form
- Define a default question set that can be included on all forms
- Button to copy forms direct access URL in ACP and make it clickable
- Form submit count statistic. This is viewable in the ACP on the forms list and when editing the form
- Option to make form publicly visible (regardless on user criteria settings) but they can’t submit it
- Link to thread in the email report
- Flood checking option
- Time limit option when user can submit form again
- Export of data submitted from the form as CSV
- Export for answers & logs
- Form as a widget
- Much, much more!