This is a slow process, but required to prevent erroneous duplicate alerts when a post with quotes/mentions is edited which was created before the add-on was installed.
Feature List:
Feature List:
- Create Poll. Allow per-usergroup control of who can create a poll
- Custom User Upgrade Amounts. By setting the upgrade price to 0, you can allow the user to pay any price for the upgrade.
- Remove Own Poll Vote with optional Time Limit. Those who have cast a vote may remove it (un-vote). This is a usergroup permission which may be set with a time limit (in minutes). Time starts once vote has been cast. Poll must be open and user must have voting permission.
- User Action Log. Editing of post messages, editing thread titles and/or prefixes, locking/unlocking threads, adding polls, and changing user names, are all logged and displayed via a user log in the Admin Control Panel.
- Change User Name. Members may change their user name x amount of times by selecting the 'Change User Name' link on their Account page. Option to display previous usernames via a tab on the profile page.
- Moderation. Option to moderate user name changes. Only moderators with set permission may approve or deny name change requests.
- User Note. Option for the user to provide a note as to why they wish to change their username.
- Moderator Note. Option for the moderator to provide the user with a note when approving or denying the name change.
- Moderator Alerts. Option to alert all moderators to the user's new name.
- User Alert and Email. Users are notified by alert and email when a decision is made in regards to their name change request.
- Name Change Cycles. Option to reset the allowed number of name changes every X days.
- Visible Indication. Option to set the user's custom title to display their previous name for X days in order to allow all members to keep track.
- Previous Name Changes/Requests Information. Moderators may view the details of previous name change requests. Approved, Denied, and those Pending Approval requests, all display their relevant information in an overlay.
- ACP User Edit Previous Names.The user edit page in the Admin Control Panel (ACP) displays a list of previous names held by that user.
- Private Username changes. Allow a username change to be marked as private.
- New permission: "[UserEss] - Edit user name change privacy"
- Can only be viewed by admin/moderator or the user, not other users or guests
- Create Polls Permission to limit who may create polls by user group or node.
- Optional Time Limit permission on editing thread titles.
- Separate Title and Post edit time limits. Option to allow the editing of thread titles even when the time limit for editing posts has expired.
- Per-thread permissions.
- Functions:
- Lock thread/Unlock thread
- Option "Block users unlocking their own thread that was locked by a moderator" controls how users interact with threads locked by moderators.
- Manage reply bans
- Edit any posts
- Delete any post
- Issue warnings
- Edit post friction options
- Warn
- Lock thread/Unlock thread
- Individual permission per function
- AdminCP defined global defaults for each function ("Thread starter permission defaults" option)
- Moderators can disable each function per-thread
- Functions:
- Per user message/threads per page:
- Must add a custom user field for each one with the ids "useress_messagesPerPage" and "useress_threadsPerPage". These should be single line text boxes with "Number" as the Value Match Requirement.
- Use Custom User Fields Permissions to control who can use these custom fields.
- Limited User Upgrades
- You can now limit how many of each user group upgrade is available. Once the maximum has been purchased, they'll be hidden from users that don't already own it.
- Display last recent activity in the user approval queue.
- Option to prevent admins changing the primary user group
- Allow admins to see per-user and per-ip account lockouts
- "Login Attempt Log" log under Tools
- "Login Attempts" tab when viewing the user profile in the admincp
- Requires "View Logs" admin permission to view all logs
- Requires "User" admin permission to delete a single record, or view logs on a user profile
- Permission-based control of hiding a user's status
- Option to display mini-avatar next to mentions
- If User Mention Improvements (v2.3.0+), then display mini-avatars next to a group.
- Supported content types; Posts, Profile Posts, Profile post comments
- Allows editing in mentions (user or user group) and sending alerts for new users/groups without sending duplicates.
- Supported content types; Posts, Profile Posts, Profile post comments
- Extend admin user search
- Search by custom title, location, website, about, signature
- Extend admin batch user update
- Spam clean action
- Remove custom titles
- Remove locations
- Remove About sections
- Self-service account disabling, with admin defined built-in grace period and notification emails