XTR Verified Users Having a verification badge in the community allows people on the platform to know that the user account is valid, significant and active.
What is two-step verification?
Two-step verification is an optional feature that adds extra security to your account.
The verification badge in the community allows people to know on the platform that your account is valid, significant and active. All verified accounts have a badge next to their display name.
But if the user does not comply with the rules, employees can reject the user's verification badge.
If the user's verified status is denied, you can delete or import the members list from the members list.
Rules are automatically added to the page. Please do not forget that these rules are just explanations, not user criteria.
We thought it would be helpful to add a small call button to the Help page.
What is two-step verification?
Two-step verification is an optional feature that adds extra security to your account.
The verification badge in the community allows people to know on the platform that your account is valid, significant and active. All verified accounts have a badge next to their display name.
But if the user does not comply with the rules, employees can reject the user's verification badge.
If the user's verified status is denied, you can delete or import the members list from the members list.
Rules are automatically added to the page. Please do not forget that these rules are just explanations, not user criteria.
We thought it would be helpful to add a small call button to the Help page.