
  1. Admin

    UW - Smileys Bar 2.2.2

    Smileys Bar for text editor allows faster, easier access to smileys without covering the text area. Smileys Bar completely rearranges the default XF smileys functionality. The main purpose of this add-on is to add to the bottom of the text editor a bar with the most common, most used smileys...
  2. Admin

    UW - Dropdown Hover Menu 2.1.1

    This add-on allows you to make from the main navigation links (left and/or right) a menu that drops down on mouseover/on hover. This is finally a proper, well thought over, professionally made way of handling xF2 main navigation menu links with dropdown on mouseover/on hover. User group...
  3. Admin

    UW - Forum Comments System 2.0.7

    This Forum Comments System add-on allows users to post comments under a reply in the forum. The add-on is already feature complete and in stable condition without any known bugs. This FCS add-on combines similar functionalities as you can find in vB5, Facebook and xF2 profile comments. There...
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