Checks for orphaned attachments in messages.
Runs a Cron entry every day and sends an email to staff showing which posts have orphaned embedded attachment tags.
(Example of Email sent)
(Example of Options page)
Q: When would an inline attachment BB Code become orphaned?
A: Typically this occurs when a post with an inline image attachment is quoted and the quoted post is edited with a new image attachment.
Q: Which posts are checked?
A: Newest posts are checked by descending order.
Runs a Cron entry every day and sends an email to staff showing which posts have orphaned embedded attachment tags.
(Example of Email sent)
(Example of Options page)
- Runs Cron every day.
- Sends email to staff member.
- All phrases start with attachmentcheck_ for your convenience.
Q: When would an inline attachment BB Code become orphaned?
A: Typically this occurs when a post with an inline image attachment is quoted and the quoted post is edited with a new image attachment.
Q: Which posts are checked?
A: Newest posts are checked by descending order.